If you missed or were not able to attend our webinar or just want to listen to it again, the recording is now available for viewing. The slides are also available to refer back to.
Title: Choosing your GC Column Part 2: Method Development
This webinar discussed how to use Restek's ProEZGC tool in order to develop and optimize their purge and trap volatiles analysis.
The webinar will address the following:
This webinar is ideal for anyone working with soil, wastewater, and/or drinking water purge and trap methods, any scientist or analyst that wishes to learn more about purge and trap analysis, any scientist or analyst that wishes to learn more about GC column separation, method translation, choosing the correct column for volatiles analysis, and method development. This is also idea for Environmental scientists/technicians, Analytical chemists/technicians, and Laboratory managers.
Please fill out the information to the right to access the webinar slides and recording.